Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Bad Ass Custom Gears of War-Themed Xbox 360

A Bad Ass Custom Gears of War-Themed Xbox 360

The creator of the Godzilla-esque alligator Xbox 360 case mod has been busy, this time making a console even Cliffy B. would be proud of. (For the record yes, I do know he wants to be referred to as Cliff Bleszinski but I still call Sean Combs Puff Daddy so sue me. Actually please dont really sue me. The only things I have that are worth anything are my autographed Halo action figures and you would have to pry them from my rigor mortis like death grip before I would give them up. And if you d

The Top 5 Most Offensive Video Games

Torture. Sexism. Political assassination. Pedophilia. Mass murder. These five topics are explored in the videogames discussed here. All five games have raised hackles and ire among parent groups, watchdog organizations, politicians and the press. The games have been lambasted as being in poor taste at best to downright offensive at worse. Not all players find the games offensive, however, seeing them rather as venues to explore topics covered elsewhere under protections offered by freedom of s

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